Vibration and Light TM
"Living in the Joy of Inner Peace" TM​

Mural created by workshop group - 6 ft x 12 ft, tempera paint - DaleAnne Lugrin © *​
Products and Services
Products and Services
For individuals or as group workshops (In person, by Zoom, or phone)
Creative Expression as a Spiritual Experience workshop
The more you give yourself permission to express your childlike, creative nature (in an environment that is safe and supportive), the more you develop confidence in sharing your true, inner Self with others! As a result, you become more present and more empowered, and what you express resonates with others, because it is coming from your soul. This workshop opens your heart and stills your mind, as you join with the group, through painting, writing, movement, music and verbal expression, to experience the divine, spiritual presence in each of us. Most of all, you will have a LOT of fun! …. and, .... if you are willing, you will be changed.

"Living in the Light of Inner Peace"™ Intuitive, Spiritual Coaching
How to become the master of your own destiny; learning to direct the flow of your own energy and awareness toward living in joy, unconditional Love and well-being; disciplining the mind to become still and focused; using sound, color, pattern, breathing techniques and movement to create balance and harmony in your life. Sessions include the use of:
- Intuitive coaching and guidance from the Spirit-Self.
- ACIM/non-dualist teachings re: perception shifts
- Mindfulness and meditation exercises for stilling and focusing the mind, to become more self-directed, relieve stress and increase inner peace.
- Heart-centering exercises for developing Self-awareness, Self-Love and joy.
- Use of sound, color, breathing techniques and intentions to release old patterns of belief and habit.
- Guided meditations.
- Fun, laughter, lightheartedness and Love
Workshops can be arranged upon request (see Contact Us).

"Darshan" - © DaleAnne Lugrin *
Nine therapeutic grade essential oils are applied to the entire spine, using a combination of the Vitaflex method, Lakota Indian "feathered" finger-stroking and the vibrational frequencies of these powerful, healing oils. This technique is relaxing, detoxifying, and rejuvenating. It strengthens the immune system, helps emotional release and can assist spinal alignment.
Inspirational Recordings of spiritual coaching exercises & spiritual guidance; publications of guided meditations, prayers & vibrational artwork.
Raindrop Essential Oils Spinal Treatment
Raindrop Essential Oils Spinal Treatment
Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils - Pure, organic and highly concentrated single essential oils and blends with high, vibrational frequencies. These oils have been extensively researched. Scientific results show that they are very effective for treating many physical conditions without side-effects. They are also very useful for improving emotional imbalances and enhancing spiritual practices. They are often used in combination with yoga postures, massage, naturopathic and chiropractic treatment. To place an order or to get product information and pricing,​ call 860-328-2097 or send an email to VibrationAndLight@yahoo.com​.
Vibrational Healing Sessions
Vibrational Healing Sessions
Vibrational "Attunements" that balance and redirect a person's subtle energy to a higher, more productive frequency, using gems, essential oils, sacred geometry, color, light, sound (voice toning, mantras, Tibetan bowls, etc.), Reiki and intuitive "visioning" to assist clients with discovering their own inner guidance, vision, self-direction and ability to heal themselves. (See Contact Us​ for ordering and pricing)
Vibrational Artwork with varying frequencies to facilitate energy balancing, meditation, stepping into the "vortex" of well-being and abundance, or to assist manifestation of a specific intention. (See the G​allery on the Vibrational Art page to view all available images. See Contact Us for ordering and pricing of high, quality giclée prints or originals of Gallery images, or to commission new, original artwork.)